광고애드센스광고 2020 ss 서울 패션 위크 class="layout-aside-right paging-number">
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2020 ss 서울 패션 위크

by 만초대박납니다 2020. 3. 29.

 2020 SS 서울 패션위크

이전과는 다른 느낌이 감돈다.

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Seunghoon Jeong/Hypebeast

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Seunghoon Jeong/Hypebeast

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Seunghoon Jeong/Hypebeast

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Seunghoon Jeong/Hypebeast

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Seunghoon Jeong/Hypebeast

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Seunghoon Jeong/Hypebeast

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Seunghoon Jeong/Hypebeast

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Seunghoon Jeong/Hypebeast

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Seunghoon Jeong/Hypebeast

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Seunghoon Jeong/Hypebeast

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Seunghoon Jeong/Hypebeast

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Seunghoon Jeong/Hypebeast

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Seunghoon Jeong/Hypebeast

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Seunghoon Jeong/Hypebeast

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Seunghoon Jeong/Hypebeast

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Seunghoon Jeong/Hypebeast

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Seunghoon Jeong/Hypebeast

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Seunghoon Jeong/Hypebeast

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Seunghoon Jeong/Hypebeast

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Seunghoon Jeong/Hypebeast

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Seunghoon Jeong/Hypebeast

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Seunghoon Jeong/Hypebeast

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Seunghoon Jeong/Hypebeast

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Seunghoon Jeong/Hypebeast

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Seunghoon Jeong/Hypebeast

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Seunghoon Jeong/Hypebeast

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Seunghoon Jeong/Hypebeast

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Seunghoon Jeong/Hypebeast

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Seunghoon Jeong/Hypebeast

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Seunghoon Jeong/Hypebeast

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Seunghoon Jeong/Hypebeast

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Seunghoon Jeong/Hypebeast

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Seunghoon Jeong/Hypebeast

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Seunghoon Jeong/Hypebeast

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Seunghoon Jeong/Hypebeast

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Seunghoon Jeong/Hypebeast

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Seunghoon Jeong/Hypebeast



Oct 17, 2019

By Soobin Kim

지난 시즌에 비해 다소 규모가 축소된 듯한 서울 패션위크. 

시국이 큰 영향을 미친 탓인지 서울 DDP에는 늘 북적거리고 화려했던

이전과는 사뭇 다른 분위기가 감돌았다.

10 15일 화요일부터 서울을 기반으로 한

여러 브랜드의 새 컬렉션이 런웨이를 가로지른 가운데, 

밖은 이곳을 찾은 이들의 각양각색 스타일로 채워졌다.

나이키 협업 스니커, 이지 등 아이코닉한

몇몇 스니커 모델이 여전히 강세를 보였고,

한층 분위기와 톤이 차분한 스타일이 늘어난 것이 눈에 띄기도 했다. 

2020 , 여름 서울 패션위크의 현장은 위 갤러리를 통해 확인할 수 있다.
